TV Advertisement
In the event that you do not target a specific age group or target a region on the map of the world or the Arab world, that is, you are marketing a product or service that benefits all individuals, men, women and children, regardless of their age, as well as anywhere in a country or in the world, TV ads are the solution No. 1, for you, it will achieve the highest benefit and success rates for you, as well as verify that your advertisement reaches the largest possible numbers, but you must carefully choose the channels that you will advertise with. Therefore, you must choose television ads first for the success of your advertisement, whether you are advertising a project, company or product, as it is the best solution for you. We have a full team at the highest level of training, experience and technology to write ads, script, photography and montage to suit your needs. ..
RADIO Advertisement
We offer you radio advertising and radio broadcasting service for business owners and commercial activities at official prices. You can choose the broadcast time, whether in the morning, noon, or evening period. The advertiser can also choose to broadcast on the radio the advertisement is intended to broadcast from, as well as choose the number of times the advertisement will be broadcast on the radio and also choose specific programs and thus target specific segments of the target audience Also, there is a Voice Over recording service, a sound performance against a background of music, and also we can record the advertisement and output the sound effects and montage in our studios and broadcast it to you on the radio that you want at reasonable prices on different radio stations...